![Golden Plates A painting by Jerry Thompson depicting the gold plates lying open on a table near a candle and sunlight streaming through the window.](https://media.ldscdn.org/images/media-library/gospel-art/book-of-mormon/gold-plates-replica-book-mormon-153339-gallery.jpg)
Have you ever thought it would be cool to learn the Nephite and Jaredite languages? I sure have! Using math, I may have figured out a way to accomplish this. (For those of you who don't already know, the Nephites and Jaredites were inhabitants of the ancient Americas spoken of in a book of holy scripture called "The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ". To learn more, click here.)
One morning about a year and a half ago, while I was studying the scriptures, I noticed something interesting: throughout the history of the Book of Mormon, it appears that the names of people, cities, etc. changed slowly. Once I recognized this, I began to wonder if it would be possible to create a computer program that tracked name derivations back through time to when the Jaredites, Nephites, and Mulekites left the Old World and came to the Americas. This would require a computer program that could calculate how closely etymologically related two words are.
About two months ago, I made such a program. My program uses math to go through a list of words and find etymologically similar ones. For analyzing Book of Mormon names, I used the Book of Mormon Pronunciation Guide to get the transliterations and suggested phonetic pronunciations of a comprehensive list of Book of Mormon names. I also took into account the transliterations with all occurrences of vowels and the letter 'j' removed. The reason why I did this is that there were no letter equivalents for vowels and the letter 'j' in the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet, so it seems reasonable to me that these sounds would have changed more rapidly in the language of a group of wandering Jews.
My results are listed below. Each name in the Book of Mormon is followed by a list of words that my computer program identified as being closely etymologically related. (Smaller numbers imply a greater relatedness.) My results were astounding! For example, I found that the word segment "eantum" is a clear word segment in both the Nephite and Jaredite languages. Also, Irreantum means "many waters" in the Nephite language, and Ripliancum was the name given to a large body of water. So, the word segment eantum/eancum seems to have meant either something about water or something about a large quantity. There are many other clear word segments. I have now figured out how to get a computer to automatically identify common word segments in the Nephite and Jaredite languages and calculate statistical likelihoods that a word segment was a meaningful element in the Nephite and Jaredite languages. These results will follow in a future blog post. For now, enjoy the results of this blog post:
abinadi: abinadom .18, aminadab .32, aminadi .22
abinadom: abinadi .18, aminadab .32, aminadi .32, edom .33,
sidom .34
abish: abel .34,
agosh .33, akish .29, josh .35, kish .30, laish .31
ablom: curelom .31,
elam .31, helam .32, shiblom .25, shiblum .30, shilom .30
adam: edom .32
agosh: abish .33,
akish .33, hagoth .35, josh .30, kish .35
aha: ahah .23
ahah: aha .14, ahaz .30, ephah .35, mahah .21
ahaz: aha .29, ahah
aiath: heth .34,
ogath .33, seth .34
akish: abish .29,
agosh .33, josh .35, kish .18, laish .31, riplakish .33
alma: elam .34
alpha: alma .33
amaleki: amalekite
.14, amalickiah .22, amaron .35, amulek .31, malachi .25, melek .33, mulek .33,
muloki .29
amalekite: amaleki
.14, amalickiah .24, amalickiahite .22, ammonite .35, malachi .29
amalickiah: amaleki
.22, amalekite .24, amalickiahite .13, jeberechiah .34, malachi .29, remaliah
.34, zedekiah .29
amaleki .25, amalekite .22, amalickiah .13, amlicite .34, ammonihahite .34,
malachi .30, zedekiah .33
amaron: aaron .33, amaleki .35, ammaron .26, ammoron .32, amoron
.25, emron .25, migron .33, moron .31, moroni .33
amgid: ammah .34,
ammon .34, amnor .34, gid .28
aminadab: abinadi .32, abinadom .32, aminadi .18, benjamin .35
aminadi: abinadi .22, abinadom .32, aminadab .18
amlici: amlicite .16, ammah .35, ammon .35, amulek .35, amulon
amlicite: amlici .16, ammonite .32
ammah: amgid .34,
ammaron .31, ammon .30, ammoron .33, amnor .34, lamah .30, ramah .30
ammaron: aaron .34,
amaron .26, ammah .31, ammon .31, ammonite .30, ammoron .24, amoron .32, amulon
.33, emron .31, migron .34, moron .35
ammon: amgid .34,
ammah .30, ammaron .31, ammonite .28, ammoron .28, amnor .34, mormon .34, moron
.34, zion .33
ammonihah: ahah .33,
ammah .34, ammon .31, ammonihahite .15, ammonite .28, ammoron .35, amnihu .29,
cumenihah .25, limhah .34, mahah .34, mathonihah .28, moronihah .27, nephihah
.32, onihah .23, orihah .31, zemnarihah .34
amalickiahite .34, ammon .33, ammonihah .15, ammonite .26, amnihu .31,
cumenihah .31, josephite .35, mathonihah .33, moronihah .32, onihah .30
ammonite: amalekite
.35, amlicite .32, ammah .33, ammaron .30, ammon .28, ammonihah .28,
ammonihahite .26, ammoron .33, amulonites .34, lamanite .34
ammoron: amaron .32,
ammah .33, ammaron .24, ammon .28, ammonite .33, amoron .28, amulon .33, emron
.33, moron .31, moroni .33
amnigaddah: amnihu
amnihu: ammonihah
.29, amnor .34, cumenihah .34, onihah .34
amnor: amgid .34,
ammah .34, ammon .34, amnihu .34, comnor .23, kimnor .23, omner .32
amoron: amaron .25,
ammaron .32, ammoron .28, cumorah .32, emron .29, migron .35, mormon .33, moron
.23, moroni .29
amos: amoz .27, moses
amoz: amos .27
amulek: amlici .35,
amulon .24, melek .28, mulek .23, muloki .33, samuel .33
amulon: amlici .35,
ammaron .33, ammon .34, ammoron .33, amulek .24, amulonites .26, samuel .33,
shemlon .33
amulonites: ammonite
.34, amulek .33, amulon .26
anathoth: aiath .35,
antum .35
ani-anti: antion .32,
antipas .33, antipus .33, antum .32, lehonti .33, manti .28, onti .31
ani-anti .34, anti-nephi-lehies .08, antion .34, antipas .35, antipus .35,
antum .35, lehi .32, lehi-nephi .23, nephi .33, nephite .34
ani-anti .35, anti-nephi-lehi .08, antion .35, lehi-nephi .26, nephi .34,
nephite .35
antiomno: antion .30,
antionah .26, antionum .29, antiparah .33, antipas .35, antipus .35, antum .34,
gadiomnah .34, gimgimno .34, omni .35, teomner .31
antion: ani-anti .32,
antiomno .30, antionah .24, antionum .27, antipas .31, antipus .31, antum .30,
manti .34
antionah: antiomno
.26, antion .24, antionum .25, antiparah .30, antipas .35, antipus .35,
madmenah .35, rabbanah .35
antionum: antiomno
.29, antion .27, antionah .25, antiparah .33, antipas .35, antipus .35, antum
.32, senum .32
antiparah: antiomno .33,
antion .35, antionah .30, antionum .33, antipas .27, antipus .30, cumorah .35,
sarah .32
antipas: ani-anti
.33, antiomno .35, antion .31, antionah .35, antionum .35, antiparah .27,
antipus .18, antum .31, manti .34
antipus: ani-anti
.33, antiomno .35, antion .31, antionah .35, antionum .35, antiparah .30,
antipas .18, antum .31, manti .34
antum: antion .30,
antipas .31, antipus .31, irreantum .24, manti .34, seantum .21
archeantus: antipus
.35, antum .34, corianton .34, coriantum .33, coriantumr .35, gadianton .34,
irreantum .32, morianton .34, moriantum .33, seantum .31
assyria: samaria .32,
syria .19
babylon: amulon .33,
heshlon .34, shemlon .34
bashan: jashon .25,
jershon .31
benjamin: aminadab .35, aminadi .34
carchemish: abish
.35, akish .35, chemish .19, kish .34, laish .33
cezoram: corom .32,
helorum .33, jarom .34, luram .31, seezoram .11, sherem .35, zeram .33, zoram
chaldeans: chaldees
chaldees: chaldeans
chemish: abish .33,
akish .33, carchemish .19, kish .32, laish .30, michmash .34, tarshish .34
cherubim: gebim .34,
seraphim .34
cohor: comnor .33,
corihor .29, korihor .29, nehor .29
comnor: amnor .23,
cohor .33, com .30, corihor .35, kimnor .25, omner .35
corianton: antion
.34, antum .35, archeantus .34, coriantor .17, coriantum .16, coriantumr .21,
corihor .34, corom .34, gadiandi .35, gadianton .23, irreantum .33, moriancumer
.32, morianton .14, moriantum .25, seantum .33
coriantor: corianton
.17, coriantum .18, coriantumr .21, corihor .31, corom .34, gadiandi .35,
gadianton .32, irreantum .34, moriancumer .32, morianton .26, moriantum .27,
seantum .34
coriantum: antum .25,
archeantus .33, corianton .16, coriantor .18, coriantumr .16, corihor .34,
corom .33, gadiandi .35, gadianton .32, irreantum .25, moriancumer .32,
morianton .25, moriantum .14, ripliancum .35, seantum .24, teancum .34
coriantumr: antum
.34, archeantus .35, corianton .21, coriantor .21, coriantum .16, corihor .35,
corom .35, gadianton .34, irreantum .32, moriancumer .27, morianton .29,
moriantum .25, seantum .32
corihor: cohor .29,
comnor .35, corianton .34, coriantor .31, coriantum .34, corom .31, korihor
.23, nehor .33, pahoran .35
corom: cezoram .32,
com .33, corihor .31, esrom .33, ezrom .33, helorum .32, jarom .28, luram .32,
moron .34, sherem .33
cumeni: cumenihah .26, cumom .30, kumen .30, pacumeni .29
cumenihah: ahah .33, ammonihah .25, ammonihahite .31, amnihu
.34, cumeni .26, limhah .34, mahah .34, mathonihah .29, moronihah .29, nephihah
.33, onihah .25, orihah .32, zemnarihah .34
cumom: cumeni .30, curelom .34, kumen .30
cumorah: amoron .32, antiparah .35, cumom .34, gomorrah .24,
sarah .33
curelom: ablom .31, cumom .34, elam .31, helam .32, shiblom .33,
shiblum .35, shilom .32
edom: adam .32, sidom
egyptian: egypt .29
elam: ablom .31, alma
.34, helam .20
elijah: lehi .34
emer: omer .21
emron: amaron .25, ammaron .31, ammoron .33, amoron .29, migron
.32, moron .30, nimrod .35
enos: jonas .27, neas .34, zenos .20
ephah: ahah .35
ephraim: ephah .34
esrom: corom .33, ezrom .15, jarom .33, zeezrom .26, zeram .32,
zoram .32
ethem: ether .26,
hearthom .31, hem .34, jotham .25, nahom .35, shem .35, shum .34
ether: emer .34,
ethem .26, limher .32
ezrom: corom .33,
esrom .15, jarom .33, zeezrom .21, zeram .27, zoram .27
gad: gid .34
gadiandi: gad .32,
gadianton .22, gadiomnah .30, giddianhi .32
gadianton: antion
.34, antum .35, archeantus .34, corianton .23, coriantor .32, coriantum .32,
coriantumr .34, gad .33, gadiandi .22, gadiomnah .31, giddianhi .32, irreantum
.34, morianton .23, moriantum .32, seantum .33
gadiomnah: antiomno .34, gad .33, gadiandi .30, gadianton .31,
limnah .34, madmenah .35, teomner .34
gallim: urim .34
gazelem: helem .34,
salem .35, shelem .35
geba: gebim .27
gebim: geba .27
gid: gad .34
giddianhi: gadiandi
.32, gadianton .32, gid .33, giddonah .27, gideon .35, gidgiddonah .30,
gidgiddoni .32, kumenonhi .35
giddonah: gid .32,
giddianhi .27, gideon .34, gidgiddonah .08, gidgiddoni .21, limnah .34, middoni
gideon: gid .30,
giddianhi .35, giddonah .34, gilead .34, midian .27
gidgiddonah: gid .33,
giddianhi .30, giddonah .08, gideon .35, gidgiddoni .14, limnah .35, middoni
gidgiddoni: gid .33,
giddianhi .32, giddonah .21, gideon .34, gidgiddonah .14, lamoni .34, mathoni
.34, middoni .21, moroni .34
gilead: gideon .34,
gilgah .31, gilgal .31
gilgah: gilead .31,
gilgal .18
gilgal: gilead .31,
gilgah .18
gimgimno: antiomno
.34, himni .35, kimnor .33
gomorrah: amoron .32,
cumorah .24, sarah .33
hagoth: agosh .35,
hamath .31, ogath .35, tubaloth .34
hamath: aiath .32,
hagoth .31, laman .35, ogath .34, ramath .20
hearthom: ethem .31,
jotham .32, nahom .34
helam: ablom .32,
curelom .32, elam .20, helaman .26, helem .24, helorum .33, shelem .33, shiblom
.34, shiblum .34, shilom .32
helaman: helam .26,
helem .30, laman .28, lamanite .34, lamoni .34
helem: helam .24,
helaman .30, helorum .35, hem .33, melek .34, salem .29, shelem .17
helorum: cezoram .33,
corom .32, helam .33, helem .35, jarom .34, luram .33, seezoram .33, sherem .35
hem: shem .25
heshlon: amulon .34,
babylon .34, shemlon .32
heth: aiath .34, hem
.34, seth .27
himni: kimnor .35,
lamoni .34, limnah .35, omni .27
horeb: oreb .20
immanuel: samuel .31
irreantum: antum .24,
archeantus .32, corianton .33, coriantor .34, coriantum .25, coriantumr .32,
gadianton .34, morianton .33, moriantum .25, seantum .21, teancum .33
isabel: abel .32
ishmael: ishmaelite .18, israel .30
ishmaelite: ishmael .18, israelite .25, lemuelite .32
israel: isabel .34, ishmael .30, israelite .20
israelite: ishmaelite .25, israel .20, lemuelite .33
jacob: jacobite .22,
jacom .24
jacobite: jacob .22,
jacobugath .32, jacom .29
jacobugath: jacob
.30, jacobite .32, jacom .33, ogath .29
jacom: com .29, jacob
.24, jarom .35, mocum .32
jared: jaredite .27,
jarom .27
jaredite: jared .27,
jarom .32
jarom: corom .28,
esrom .33, ezrom .33, jacom .35, jared .27, luram .32, urim .34
jashon: bashan .25,
jershon .26
amalickiah .34, jeremiah .32, sariah .35, zechariah .35, zedekiah .33
jeneum: neum .26
jeremiah: ramah .33,
remaliah .32, sariah .35, uriah .35, uzziah .35
jershon: bashan .31,
jared .35, jarom .35, jashon .26
jerusalem: helem .34,
salem .30, shelem .35
jonas: enos .27, neas .32, zenos .32
jordan: sidon .33
joseph: josephite .21
josephite: joseph
.21, nephite .30
josh: agosh .30, kish
joshua: isaiah .34,
josh .22
jotham: ethem .25,
hearthom .32, shum .34
judah: judea .35,
onidah .31
kib: kim .33, lib .33
kim: kib .33
kimnor: amnor .23,
comnor .25, himni .35, kim .30
kish: abish .30,
akish .18, josh .34, kib .34, kim .34, laish .30
kishkumen: akish .33,
cumeni .35, kish .29, kumen .24, kumenonhi .35, laman .35
korihor: cohor .29,
corihor .23, nehor .33
kumen: cumeni .30, cumom .30, kishkumen .33, laman .32, mormon
kumenonhi: cumeni .29, giddianhi .35, kumen .28
laban: laish .34, lamah .34, laman .30
laish: abish .31,
akish .31, josh .35, kish .30, laban .34, lamah .34, laman .34
lamah: ammah .30, laban .34, laish .34, laman .25, limhi .34,
ramah .28
laman: helaman .28, kumen .32, laban .30, laish .34, lamah .25,
lamanite .21, lamoni .31, mormon .33
lamanite: ammonite .34, helaman .34, lamah .29, laman .21,
lemuelite .35
lamoni: helaman .34, himni .34, laman .31, moroni .33, omni .33
lebanon: minon .33,
shemnon .34
lehi: levi .33, limhi
anti-nephi-lehi .23, lehi .27, nephi .27, nephite .32, zenephi .33
lehonti: ani-anti
.33, lehi .34, manti .31, onti .26
lemuel: lemuelite .20, samuel .31
lemuelite: lamanite .35, lemuel .20
levi: lehi .33
lib: kib .33
limhah: ahah .30, limher .24, limhi .22, limnah .28, mahah .30,
nephihah .34, onihah .33, orihah .33
limher: ether .32,
limhah .24, limhi .23, limnah .30
limhi: lamah .34,
lehi .34, limhah .22, limher .23, limnah .29
limnah: giddonah .34,
himni .35, limhah .28, limher .30, limhi .29
luram: adam .34,
cezoram .31, corom .32, helorum .33, jarom .32, sherem .33, zeram .33, zoram
madmenah: antionah
.35, gadiomnah .35, rabbanah .35
mahah: aha .28, ahah
.21, limhah .30, onihah .32, orihah .32
malachi: amaleki .25,
amalekite .29, amalickiah .29, muloki .35
manti: ani-anti .28,
antion .34, antum .34, lehonti .31, onti .27
mathoni: lamoni .33,
mathonihah .30, middoni .34, moroni .33
mathonihah: ahah .34,
ammonihah .28, ammonihahite .33, cumenihah .29, limhah .35, mahah .33, mathoni
.30, moronihah .27, nephihah .33, onidah .34, onihah .23, orihah .32,
zemnarihah .34
melek: amulek .28,
helem .34, mulek .24, muloki .34
michmash: chemish .34
middoni: giddonah
.28, gidgiddoni .21, lamoni .33, mathoni .34, midian .32, moroni .33
midian: gideon .27, middoni .32
migron: amaron .33, ammaron .34, amoron .35, emron .32, minon
minon: lebanon .33,
migron .31, shemnon .30
mocum: jacom .32,
moab .34, moses .34, teancum .31
corianton .32, coriantor .32, coriantum .32, coriantumr .27, cumorah .35, emer
.34, morianton .26, moriantum .26, moron .34, omer .34, ripliancum .33, teancum
morianton: amoron
.35, antion .34, antum .35, archeantus .34, corianton .14, coriantor .26,
coriantum .25, coriantumr .29, gadiandi .35, gadianton .23, irreantum .33,
moriancumer .26, moriantum .16, mormon .32, moron .30, moroni .35, seantum .33
moriantum: antum .25,
archeantus .33, corianton .25, coriantor .27, coriantum .14, coriantumr .25,
gadiandi .35, gadianton .32, irreantum .25, moriancumer .26, morianton .16,
mormon .35, moron .33, moroni .35, ripliancum .35, seantum .24, teancum .34
mormon: ammon .34,
amoron .33, kumen .33, laman .33, morianton .32, moron .25, moroni .35
moron: ammon .34,
ammoron .31, amoron .23, corom .34, emron .30, mormon .25, moroni .24, pahoran
.32, siron .33, zion .34
moroni: amaron .33,
ammoron .33, amoron .29, emron .33, lamoni .33, mathoni .33, middoni .33,
mormon .35, moron .24, moronihah .26, omni .35
moronihah: ahah .33,
ammonihah .27, ammonihahite .32, amoron .34, cumenihah .29, limhah .34, mahah
.34, mathonihah .27, moron .31, moroni .26, nephihah .33, onidah .34, onihah
.21, orihah .30, zemnarihah .34
moses: amos .35, moab
.34, mocum .34
nimrod: emron .35,
nimrah .21
ogath: aiath .33,
hagoth .35, hamath .34, heth .35, ramath .34, seth .35
mosiah: isaiah .35,
moses .35, uriah .35, uzziah .32
mulek: amulek .23,
melek .24, muloki .24
muloki: amaleki .29,
amulek .33, malachi .35, melek .34, mulek .24
nahom: ethem .35,
shum .34
nazareth: heth .33,
seth .33
neas: enos .34, jonas
.32, neum .33
nehor: cohor .29,
corihor .33, korihor .33, neas .34, nephi .34, nephite .35, neum .34
nephi: neas .33,
nehor .34, nephihah .30, nephite .19, neum .33, zenephi .29
nephihah: ahah .32,
ammonihah .32, cumenihah .33, ephah .34, limhah .34, mahah .33, mathonihah .33,
moronihah .33, nephi .30, nephite .32, onihah .30, orihah .30, zemnarihah .33,
zenephi .34
nephite: josephite
.30, neas .34, nehor .35, nephi .19, nephihah .32, neum .34
neum: jeneum .26,
neas .33, senum .35
nimrah: nimrod .21
omer: emer .21, omner .34
omner: amnor .32, comnor .35, omer .34, omni .27, teomner .21
omni: himni .27, lamoni .33, omner .27
onidah: judah .31, onihah .27
onihah: ahah .31, ammonihah .23, amnihu .34, cumenihah .25,
limhah .33, mahah .32, mathonihah .32, moronihah .21, nephihah .30, onidah .27,
orihah .26
onti: lehonti .35, manti
oreb: horeb .20
orihah: ahah .31,
limhah .33, mahah .32, moronihah .30, onihah .26, uriah .34
paanchi: teancum .35
pachus: pagag .35
pacumeni: cumeni .29, cumenihah .35
pahoran: corihor .35, moron .32
palestina: philistine .34
philistine: palestina .34
rabbanah: antionah .35, madmenah .35
rahab: ahaz .34
ramah: ammah .30, lamah .28, ramath .34
ramath: aiath .32,
hamath .20, laman .35, ogath .34, rahab .35, ramah .34
remaliah: amalickiah
.34, jeremiah .32, sariah .35, uriah .35, uzziah .35
riplakish: abish .34,
akish .24, chemish .35, kish .29, laish .33, riplah .31, ripliancum .32
ripliancum: coriantum
.35, mocum .33, moriancumer .33, moriantum .35, riplah .33, riplakish .32,
seantum .35, teancum .25
salem: gazelem .35,
helem .29, shelem .30
samaria: assyria .32, sariah .33, syria .31
samuel: amulek .33, amulon .33, immanuel .31, lemuel .31, sam
sarah: sariah .27, seraphim .31
sariah: jeremiah .35, samaria .33, sarah .27, uriah .25, uzziah
.34, zechariah .35
seantum: antum .21,
corianton .33, coriantor .34, coriantum .24, coriantumr .32, gadianton .33,
irreantum .21, morianton .33, moriantum .24, seezoram .35, senum .33, teancum
sebus: senine .35,
senum .34
seezoram: cezoram
.11, corom .32, helorum .33, jarom .34, luram .31, seantum .35, sherem .35,
zeram .34, zoram .30
senine: sebus .35,
senum .29
senum: neum .35,
seantum .33, sebus .34, senine .29, sinim .34
seraphim: cherubim
.34, sarah .31, shim .35
seth: aiath .34, heth
shared: jared .32,
shazer .31, shurr .35
shazer: shared .31,
shez .34, shiz .34, shurr .33
shearjashub: jashon
.34, shum .34
shelem: gazelem .35,
helam .33, helem .17, melek .35, salem .30, shem .29, sherem .33, sheum .30,
shez .33, shilom .31, shule .34
shem: hem .25, shelem
.29, sherem .29, sheum .28, shez .27, shim .29, shiz .34, shule .34, shum .29,
shurr .34
shemlon: amulon .33,
babylon .34, heshlon .32, shem .26, shemnon .24, sherem .34, sherrizah .35,
sheum .34, shez .32, shiblon .33, shim .35, shum .35
shemnon: lebanon .34,
minon .30, shem .26, shemlon .24, sherem .34, sherrizah .35, sheum .34, shez
.32, shim .35, shum .35, zerahemnah .33
sherem: cezoram .35,
corom .33, helorum .35, jarom .30, luram .33, seezoram .35, shelem .33, shem
.29, shemlon .34, shemnon .34, sherrizah .30, sheum .30, shez .31, shilom .35,
shum .33, shurr .35
sherrizah: shem .33,
shemlon .35, shemnon .35, sherem .30, shez .33, shurr .35
sheum: neum .29,
shelem .30, shem .28, shemlon .34, shemnon .34, sherem .30, shez .33, shiblom
.35, shiblum .33, shilom .34, shim .30, shiz .35, shum .25
shez: shem .27, shim
.34, shiz .29, shule .34, shum .34, shurr .34
shiblom: ablom .25,
curelom .33, elam .33, helam .34, sheum .35, shiblon .18, shiblum .08, shilom
.25, shim .32, shimnilom .32, shiz .32, shum .34
shiblon: shemlon .33,
shiblom .18, shiblum .20, shilom .34, shim .32, shiz .32
shiblum: ablom .30,
curelom .35, elam .33, helam .34, sheum .33, shiblom .08, shiblon .20, shilom
.28, shim .32, shimnilom .34, shiz .32, shum .32
shiloah: noah .33,
shilom .29, shim .34, shimnilom .35, shinar .34, shiz .34, shule .35
shilom: ablom .30,
curelom .32, elam .32, helam .32, shelem .31, sherem .35, sheum .34, shiblom
.25, shiblon .34, shiblum .28, shiloah .29, shim .33, shimnilom .29, shinar
.31, shiz .33, shule .34, shum .33
shim: kim .34, shem
.29, sheum .30, shez .34, shiz .27, shule .34, shum .29, shurr .34
shimnilom: himni .34,
shiblom .32, shiblum .34, shiloah .35, shilom .29, shim .29, shiz .34
shinar: shiloah .34,
shilom .31, shim .33, shiz .33
shiz: shem .34, shez
.29, shim .27, shule .34, shum .34, shurr .34
shule: shem .34, shez
.34, shim .34, shiz .34, shum .32, shurr .33
shum: ethem .34,
nahom .34, shem .29, sherem .33, sheum .25, shez .34, shilom .33, shim .29,
shiz .34, shule .32, shurr .32
shurr: shazer .33,
shem .34, shez .34, shim .34, shiz .34, shule .33, shum .32
sidom: edom .27,
sidon .23, sinai .34, sinim .34, siron .34
sidon: jordan .33,
sidom .23, sinai .34, sinim .34, siron .30
sinai: sidon .34,
sinim .28, siron .34
sinim: senum .34,
sidom .34, sidon .34, sinai .28, siron .34
siron: moron .33, sidom .34, sidon .30, sinai .34, sinim .34
syria: assyria .19,
samaria .31
tarshish: abish .34,
akish .34, chemish .34, kish .33, laish .34
teancum: coriantum
.34, irreantum .33, jacom .34, mocum .31, moriancumer .33, moriantum .34,
paanchi .35, ripliancum .25, seantum .32
teomner: antiomno
.31, gadiomnah .34, omner .21
thummim: ethem .34,
jotham .35, urim .35
tubaloth: hagoth .34
uriah: jeremiah .35,
orihah .34, sariah .25, urim .34
urim: jarom .34,
uriah .34
uzziah: jeremiah .35,
sariah .34, uriah .29, zedekiah .35
zarahemla: shemlon
.34, zerahemnah .23
jeberechiah .35, sariah .26, uriah .29, zedekiah .32, zemnarihah .33
zedekiah: amalickiah
.29, sariah .35, uriah .35, uzziah .35, zechariah .32
zeezrom: corom .35,
esrom .26, ezrom .21, jarom .35, zeram .29, zoram .33
zemnarihah: ahah .34,
ammonihah .34, cumenihah .34, limhah .35, mahah .34, mathonihah .34, moronihah
.34, nephihah .33, onihah .32, orihah .26, sariah .34, zechariah .33
zenephi: nephi .29,
nephihah .34, zenos .35
zeniff: zenock .30,
zenos .29, zeram .35, zerin .35, ziff .33
zenock: enos .34,
zeniff .30, zenos .24, zeram .35, zerin .35
zenos: enos .20, jonas .32, zenephi .35, zeniff .29, zenock .24,
zeram .34, zerin .34
zerahemnah: limnah .31, shemnon .33, zarahemla .23
zeram: cezoram .33, esrom .32, ezrom .27, luram .33, seezoram
.34, zeezrom .29, zenos .34, zerin .29, zoram .24
zerin: zenos .34,
zeram .29
zoram: cezoram .29,
esrom .32, ezrom .27, luram .33, seezoram .30, zeezrom .33, zeram .24